Anti-Counterfeit Labels

What are Anti-Counterfeit labels? Anti-counterfeit labels are security labels that consist of micro text and a variety of photographic elements. For example, you can spot them on Passport, ID cards, and currency. Due to its multiple layers structure, they assure your product with warranty and protection. Consequently, that prevents your brand Read more…

Barcode labels

What is a barcode label? A barcode is a series of coded lines that help identify a product. These strings of characters can store all types of information which is just once encrypted in a barcode symbology. Barcodes are an efficient asset for any type of business. Their integration in Read more…

Asset security labels

What are asset security labels and why do you need them? Asset security labels can take control of your companies vital equipment by marking them with your company logo, a consecutive barcode, and a corresponding consecutive number. Certainly, the fundamental requirement of any organization or company is to secure their Read more…

Block out labels

What is a block out label and what is it used for? Block out labels are applied over printed information to prevent it from being read. Their role is to hide confidential information and to cover any mistakes made on a printed label. Additionally, they represent an ideal solution for Read more…

Tamper-evident labels

Tamper-evident labels and their use in industry: Tamper-evident labels are a key solution that provides your products with additional security and authentication. It is an efficient, smart and quick method for protecting your products. Additionally, they are a great tool for authenticating your business goods. Food and beverage, pharmaceutical, consumer Read more…